About Helen Blythe-Hart
Making metal mellifluous is the sensuous pursuit of the Smith:
I love to make metal sing. Who can resist the lure of gorgeous
gemstones artfully nestled in richly textured gold? My bliss is in
the details... subtle textures, bold designs, articulated movement,
the colors of New York or Monet. This is my passion since I can
remember. Nothing has defined humanity more than metal and stone.
The most elemental of Arts, the desire to adorn, instinctual. Wear
these pieces as a Queen would a scepter, or a King, a signet.
Personal History
My love of Jewelry was ignited by the multitude of ethnic adornments surrounding me as a child. Impossibly huge, intricately detailed, or brightly colored jewels jingling around my neck made me feel distinctly regal- my first inkling that jewelry has the power to transform- elevate. I decided then to pursue metalsmithing as a passion. Brilliant gemstones further seduced me into the life-long study of Gemology initially through the Gemological Institute of America. I went on to become the first to earn a BFA in the prestigious Jewelry and Metalsmithing department at Indiana University, and then earned an MFA in Sculpture and Metalsmithing at Georgia State University. My creativity is fueled by the love of growing tropical slipper orchids and gardening on my rural 10 acre estate. Other talents are expressed through hand paper-making and sculptural welding.

The Heat Zone
Now just $45.99 + $3.00 S&H The Heat Zone is a revolutionary new way to solder which gives great results in a short period of time. It highlights exactly where the hottest (and coolest points) within the flame are located and how to use them to your benefit. The professionally produced Heat Zone intensive soldering DVD will teach you how to solder better, faster and neater. Beginning with the anatomy of the flame, the Heat Zone DVD will teach you how to control the heat, increase your success and reduce firescale. Exercises include learning to anneal and solder bezels, soldering decorative elements with no clean-up, making and soldering jump rings and earring posts using indirect heat. You will even learn to prevent “Meniscus Disease”. Included on the disc is a bonus 36-page color PDF filled with endless tips, safety suggestions, selected suppliers and glossary to feed your hungry mind!
Part Two emphasizes studio safety, such as setting up your tank, testing it for leaks, adjusting the regulator, as well as transporting and securing it safely. You will learn to install, use, and understand the regulator. The studio safety section also includes the proper attire, selecting your soldering surface, ventilation recommendations and pickling how-to’s.
"I have been teaching this method for over 20 years with great success. Even the instructors I teach it to now incorporate the Heat Zone method when they teach soldering to their students. Some excerpts of what students have said about the Heat Zone are included below. There are also blog posts and jewelers recommendations of this revolutionary soldering method."
- Helen Blythe-Hart
“It’s a soldering epiphany!” - Michelle B.
“It’s irresponsible to not teach it to my students.” - Mark R., Instructor
“I feel like a pro… I’ll be able to solder with much more confidence now.” - Maggie G.
“Like a light bulb going off in my head!” - Gail B., Instructor